If you're an avid gardener, you undoubtedly have a ton of seed packets lying around. Seeds can stay viable for years if ...
The Best Way to Prep Your Seedbed for the New Growing Season
Today I want to guide you through the stages of creating a perfect seedbed for springtime. We'll talk about soil ...
20 Ways to Score Free Seeds (and New Plants) for Your Garden
Many people want to plant a garden, but are daunted by the upfront costs involved. In addition to getting the right ...
How to Save Tomato Seeds for Delicious Harvests Year After Year
You’ve done your homework, and it sure paid off. You learned which tomato varieties to plant, helped them flourish, and ...
How Long Do Seeds Last? These 7 Factors Can Help Yours Stay Healthy
How long do seeds last? This is a question that lots of home gardeners have asked, myself included. If you like to save ...
Grow Your Own Sunflower Microgreens: Nutrient-Dense, Living Superfoods
There's something immensely satisfying about sunflower microgreens. They're edible and truly delicious, no matter how ...